As outline by Bex Lynam, from North Sea Wildlife Trusts, in our latest Core Forum meeting, the new UK Blue Carbon Mapping Project - led by the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) and funded by WWF-UK in collaboration with The Wildlife Trusts and RSPB - aims to map all the UK's blue carbon stores. Expanding on a prior projects focused on Scottish inshore waters, and the English North Sea, this study will assess the carbon storage and sequestration potential of the whole of the UK’s EEZ, as well as within Marine Protected Areas. Statistics will be produced for the whole UK, and also broken down by country, region and individuals MPAs. There will also be a more in-depth case study for each regional sea. To complement the study, the analysis of archived sea shelf sediments will be carried out to give improved estimates for carbon storage.
The expected outputs will comprise regional assessment report chapters, including reviews of the current extent and distribution of each blue carbon habitat, alongside sequestration rates and risks from human-induced environmental pressures. These will be published individually and then compiled into a UK wide assessment, to be publish in summer 2023.